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A Worldwide Fellowship


              This Week with Jesus is now multilingual. Our Daily fellowship through our readers has grown. Apart from the USA and India, we now have a world wide fellowship in non-English speaking countries like Hong Kong, China, Sweden, Russia etc., with more than 800 readers a week from these countries. We thank and praise God that He has been able to touch so many lives across the world, using us. Given this, we have introduced a translator so you can read these posts in your local language and also share it with someone who may not be fluent in English. Please go to the top right of the Home Page, and next to the Search button you will find three lines. Click on that and choose your language. Today's post is dedicated to all our readers across the world, as we struggle through various challenges we face individually, as a country and as a congregation. 


"Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him"
1 Kings 19:18

In the midst of a wicked and idolatrous nation, Elijah believed he was the only faithful servant of God left. He felt isolated, defeated and overwhelmed. But God revealed to him that he was not alone. God kept a remnant of 7000 people in Israel who had not bowed down to Baal or kissed his image.
There are times in our lives when we may feel like Elijah, thinking we are the only ones standing for truth and righteousness.
We may feel discouraged and powerless in the face of a society that surrounds us. We may feel we are surrounded by darkness but there are others who share our faith and convictions. Therefore, we must seek out and connect with fellow believers, who are committed to God’s truth. Denominations, Geographies, language does not matter. Together we can encourage and support one another as we navigate through a world that opposes our beliefs.
Let us take comfort in knowing that God is always behind the scenes, preserving His faithful servants. Even when we feel we are outnumbered, facing insurmountable odds of any kind, God will find a way. Believe that. He will empower us. Victory is not found within us but in God.
Let us then remain faithful, knowing that we are part of God’s remnant, and, like those 7000, remain faithful.


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