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All the Lonely People....

Does this image look familiar? Does it bring a feeling of Deja Vu? 

"This is for all the lonely people
Thinkin' that life has passed them by....."

These are the opening lines of a song by a group called America which, in the late sixties, observed the depth of loneliness people were facing. What can be sadder than for someone to watch life pass by. Yet, the truth is that it's a reality for a lot of people, young and old, retired folks, people in old age-homes, rehabs, hospitals, aged care, widows and widowers and couples whose children have relocated due to marriage or jobs and hardly call them. 

These are just a few.
Today, loneliness is an epidemic, across age groups and in the elders. (Covid further exacerbated the problem).
Loneliness or Social isolation is as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Loneliness can increase the risk of premature death by up to 50%.
As Christians, in churches or fellowships, it is our duty to see to it that our fellowship and our time extends to people who may be excluded due to age or societal issues or economic issues.
Psalm 34:18 tells us that “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” In Psalm 25:16-17, the writer gives us a prayer to God in a time of loneliness: “I am lonely and afflicted, relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.” Yes, loneliness is an anguish.
Loneliness is not a choice and it is thrust upon us through circumstances. Loneliness is nothing to do with how many people are around us but how many people engage with us.
What can we do as churches, congregations or even as individuals to alleviate the loneliness of people?
First, get them into mainstream and get them involved in Church congregations and fellowships. One Pastor in Melbourne goes around every Sunday to pick up the elders who have no one and bring them to church. He and his family regularly take them out to lunch. He keeps them involved in church discussions.
Second, visit people who have been isolated, regularly. Or have them over for a meal.
Stay connected, stay in touch at least thrice a week - phone, message or text, just to let them know you care.
Do not treat them as second priority. Visit them when you have promised and do not let them down.
At work, school, or church, sit by a new person and get to know him or her.
These are simple things to do. They cost nothing except your time and your time is what they value most. They look forward to it. But the most surprising thing is we get as much pleasure and peace as they get when we engage.
One truth to believe in is - Be a friend to make a friend. This is true whether in our relationship with God or people. Remember Matthew 24:36 -
"I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you came to visit me".


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