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A Dance with the Devil

"Judas Iscariot is proof that you can sit in a dynamic church with an amazing pastor & still become a friend of the devil" (Rev Fredy Paul)
Judas did not spend a day with Christ, he spent 3 years. And yet.
The reason is that we humans have an affinity to the devil and his dance of death. By nature, we are materialistic and selfish, only interested to cater to our material life in this material world. Demi Lovato, a famous singer says in her song Dancing with the Devil -
"I was dancing with the devil
Out of control
Almost made it to heaven
It was closer than you know
Playing with the enemy
Gambling with my soul
When you're dancing with the devil It's so hard to say no"
I am sure a great many of us identify with that. A dance with the devil is extremely thrilling in the short term and extremely dangerous in the long term. 
An anonymous writer, a member of the Alcoholics Anonymous once said - "there is a devil in that bottle. When I open it, he shows me wonders I have not seen, possibilities I had not known & strengths I did not possess, and I have to, then, do whatever he says; I have no control over him. The only way I can control him is never to open that bottle and the only way I can do that is with AA".
Well, that's the kind of outcome we can expect when we dance with the devil, unless we have help of someone who is beyond the temptation and who lives in us and is available on call. Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We have to live in this world, but, as Jesus said, we are not to be of this world.
The only way is to WALK DAILY WITH CHRIST, and how many of us really do that?
Walking with Jesus is a conscious effort to exercise our faith and our belief to build spiritual muscle. It is a daily adventure - so let's start TODAY! 


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