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Dead Situations (Shared by a Reader)

Bringing to Life Your Dead Situation

"They were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” 4Looking up, they *saw that the stone had been rolled away, although it was extremely large.”_  Mark 16:3-4
It may look like I’m still living in the Passion Week though it has passed us already. I couldn’t help but share as a devotional what came to me when reading the passage above.
It’s early Sunday morning and the first streaks of light from the rising sun are beginning to be seen. Three women who dearly loved the man who has died make their way to His tomb. It’s their custom to anoint the body of the dead person with aromatic balm and spices. Their hearts are still heavy that the one they so dearly loved is now gone from them at such a young age. Comparable to the weight of the sorrow on their hearts is also the, “And they had been asking one another, “Who can roll away the heavy stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” Yet as they approached the problem, they saw it had already been moved, the stone was no longer at the mouth of the cave but had been rolled aside. The sight was shocking and dismaying, who could have done this. Yet they sum up their courage and step in to an even more shocking sight – a young man in white robes sitting there and no Jesus. The young man, an angel, gives them the good news; the one who was dead is no longer dead but alive.
That morning as I read this passage, the Lord spoke to me, how many dead situations in my life do I come to, wondering who would help move the impossible weight that holds it in place? I so often approach the problem with my eyes of faith closed, for I’m looking for human help in the situation that I am in. But looking to human help only increases the sense of hopelessness for there is really no one who can fix the situation. This passage came to me as a startling reminded that my risen Savior is one who can move every impossible dead weight for, He has conquered death itself, the most impossible of all dead weights. Coming to the Savior this morning, trusting that He's got my most impossible situation figured out, and while I am still figuring out a solution, He's already moved it.
So I asked for my eyes to be opened, the eyes of faith that sees far beyond what I can fathom, faith that can move mountains, faith that conquers my intellect and my own strengths, faith that will look only to its real author and finisher – Jesus Christ my Lord. He alone can bring to life my dead situation for He is the LIFE, He alone can move the weights impossible for me to move.

And there are days I have seen
Filled with heartache and loss
That have buried my heart beneath the weight
But every time His praise breaks out
Dead things rise up from the ground
I won't leave my song inside that empty grave
'Cause there is resurrection power
When we sing the name of Jesus
Resurrection power when we raise a mighty sound
So come on let the praise get loud
Make that empty grave resound
'Cause there is resurrection power in His name
Arun Thomas


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