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Don't Reinvent Please

(This post is based on a KJV devotional & also refers to a sermon by Pastor Jolly Raj from Bethel Methodist Church, Noida, India. The link to the sermon is also given below). 

Sometimes, we needlessly complicate our faith, and that can quickly put us on the wrong path. Fad teachings and new doctrines seem to emerge every day, as do new interpretations. 
For example, a big discussion doing the rounds of some theologians is whether Judas was really to blame and if went to heaven or he'll.
But we already have God’s word, and we already have the Lord’s Supper.
Furthermore, "He values us so much he counted it worthy to die on the cross for our sins" (Chipo Biti)
What more do we want? We need not reinvent our faith with extraneous rituals, they may only lead to polluted doctrine. Instead, let us hold to the simple gatherings and foundational truth that we have already been given.
2 Peter 2:1 clearly warns us - "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction".
Pastor Jolly Samson Raj, who leads the Bethel Methodist Church in a city called Noida in India, beautifully explains this using the Book of Colossians. His sermon can be found HERE, and we strongly recommend everyone to hear this. All of us really do need to be aware of what surrounds us as we walk in faith.


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