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The Eagle & The Butterfly

Adversity is part n package of life. Everyone goes through it, in some measure. It is our response to adversity which determines how well we overcome it and get through it. We can learn a lot from nature on various things on how to handle adversity.
Take the eagle for instance. When a storm comes it flies above the storm. It have the strength and can sustain heights. On the other hand, there is the butterfly. It knows it cannot fly above or in the storm, so it quietly rests and waits for the storm to be over. It takes both kinds to make this world, and both know how to survive.
Which brings us to humans. To us. Our God caters to both personalities - those who fly above the storm and those who shelter during it. Isaiah 40:31 is a passage we have read and heard many times. Songs have been written about this verse. Isaiah said, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
That was for the Eagles.
For the butterflies Exodus 33:14 says -
14 The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Psalms 91:1 says He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Eagles need to preserve their strength and butterflies need to preserve their beauty. For everyone though, whether eagles or butterflies, the common factor is God. Whoever you are, God will help you sustain yourself through whatever adversity you may face, in whatever way best suits you. Just as the eagle uses the power of the winds in a storm to rise above it, so can we with the power of God. Just as the butterfly rests, we too can rest in Gods security. And at the end of it - you are rewarded with a bright sunshine day and a rainbow, that is when the eagle will get back to hunting and the Butterflys will fly once again, filling our lives with their beauty.
So, get excited about the storms in your life. Challenges bring opportunities. We could see the opportunities, wrapped in our challenges if we weren’t so busy, complaining and trying to avoid them.


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