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Your Day

A Study from the KJV Devotional 
For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37 (KJV)
As the year started, some of God’s children have achieved their goals and objectives whilst others are yet to achieve their long awaiting dreams. It is not too late to still trust the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of your goals/dreams. It takes just a day/moment for God to bring to pass that which He has destined for you. 
Our dear father Abraham was very wealthy, but his very challenge was getting an heir to fulfill his dream and God’s promise. Finally, his one day came when his wife conceived and brought forth Isaac, the heir of the promise. Moses faced challenges in Egypt when he decided to choose God’s people over the Egyptians. He went into exile but his one day came to pass when he was appointed by God to lead His people out of Egypt into the promise land. The one day of David, Solomon, Sampson, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Peter, etc came to pass as well. Therefore, keep pressing on with your faith and good works; your one is about to happen for nothing is impossible with God.


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