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#Humanity & Computers

Computers and computing are integral to our lives. But how do computers operate? In simple terms, computers require an input, which is processed by the computer's brain, known as the processor, resulting in an output. It goes without saying that the quality of the output depends on the quality of the input.

Computers are like humans. Our output largely depends on our input, and our brain acts as the processor.

This is why it's crucial to be conscious of what we feed our minds. Our thoughts and beliefs are shaped by these inputs. If we consume negative content, it can lead to harmful behavior towards others. Conversely, if we nourish our minds with positive, life-affirming material, we will likely express life-giving words to those we meet.

However, dwelling on unproductive things like gossip and foul language leads to words that are not beneficial to anyone, including ourselves. Allowing foolishness to guide our lives can result in many adverse situations.

This is why many #Bible figures prayed and meditated daily, some multiple times a day. It kept them focused on #God, provided vision, and enabled them to impart wisdom that is still followed today. They could comprehend God, follow God, and guide others towards God.

We too can achieve this today if we choose to. It requires dedicating time and adhering to discipline. Establishing a routine of #dailydevotions or #meditation can be beneficial. With the vast number of resources available for our daily study, including the knowledge found within and beyond the Bible, there is more than enough for a lifetime. 

Regular devotions can help us control the input to our minds, allowing us to produce high-quality output that aligns with God's expectations. It helps us to understand Him, and His will for us, and work according to that will and not our own. 

Most importantly, it enhances our own peace through a deeper understanding of His word and His will.  


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