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Meet Jesus's Great Grandma

One story that has completely baffled us as we read the Bible was the story of Rahab. You can find it in the book of Joshua in chapter 2 and 6:22-27. She is also one of five women mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy of #Christ
How could Rahab be used so strategically by God when she was a prostitute? Doesn't #God expect people to clean house before he works through them? How can the writers of the #Bible offer her story as an example to later generations without saying her profession was wrong? Without pointing fingers?  
Our finding?
If you’re going to read the Bible, you have to be ready for a God you don’t expect. Expect the unexpected at every expected turn!
Alli Patterson says - "This God may violate your traditions and your theology (you’ve got one; trust me). He doesn’t always reward the “good” and punish the “bad.” The God of the Bible is most interested in the concept of faith (faith = our belief in him and willingness to risk something because of that belief). He’s not so much interested in correct behavior as he is faith. If you read the Bible, you will meet a God who rewards faith even when it comes in a very messy package".
Case in point: Meet Rahab.
Now consider the facts.
Fact 1. Rahab is mentioned in Jesus geology! She was the grandmother of Boaz, and mentioned in the lineage of Jesus.
Fact 2: Rahab, at the peril of her own life, helped God in His plan.
Fact 3: Rahab lied. Rahab is actually celebrated in the New Testament by the authors of the books of Hebrews and James. She apparently pleased God with these lies!( Alli Patterson)
Fact 4 : Rahab was a prostitute!
Perplexed? Why would God and the writers of the Bible seem to honor Rahab? When her character offends our sensibilities, how did God tolerate this?
One simple reason: The God of the Bible is not a God who always rewards morality and always punishes evil. The God of the Bible is moved to love and reward when he sees real faith.
Rahab’s story displays the few critical ingredients of real faith.
Firstly, Rahab recognized and believed God as God! She said “…for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.” her recognition of God was not heresy.
Second, she risked her life for God in faith. Even her lies were in faith.
Third, she seized the opportunity to serve her God.
She served and asked for salvation in return.
"The God of Israel doesn’t deal with us in high expectations of proper external behavior (phew) so much as he’s interested in the motives of our hearts. So if/as you read the Bible, be open to who the pages actually reveal Him to be". (Alli Patterson)
In conclusion, before we are tempted to pass judgement on someone for the way they dress, or behave, or their lifestyle, let us remember that God does not judge people by all of that. We do.
God looks at motivation and faith and if someone has that, they will have Gods attention for sure.


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