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Does God have a sense of humor?

Good question, but the answer depends very much on the definition of humor. Perhaps the best indication that God does have a sense of humor is that He created man in His image (Genesis 1:27), and certainly people are able to perceive and express humor. 
The American Heritage Dictionary defines a “sense of humor” as “...The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is comical or funny.” According to this definition, then, God must show an ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is comical. The difficulty is that people perceive what is comical differently, and what sinful man perceives as funny would not amuse a holy and perfect God. Much of what the world calls humor is not funny but is crass and crude. Our humor is expressed at the expense of others (tearing down rather than building up), again something contrary to God’s Word.
To understands Gods sense of humor let us look at His word - the Bible and its historical narratives.
Here we find a humorous side in many, many situations. Imagine Jonah being brought back when he was running away. Or remember Balam and Balak? While Balak is surely drawn as a caricature of a monarch, their ridiculous stance is increasingly absurd with each stupidly unresponsive reaction.
Going further, what about the satire of Jotham in his story about the trees? Though in that day, as in every subsequent age, there was no room for a satirist in the kingdom of an incompetent ruler.
What about Elijah's ridicule of "the priests of Baal who wailed and slashed themselves in the hope that Baal would send fire from Heaven. "Shout louder!...Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling; or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened!" (1 Kings 18:27). Infact, an Indian person can surely understand the sarcasm in the answer "I am who I am" which is actually a retort when translated into Hindi.
In the NT think about when Rhoda finds Peter at her door, she gets so excited she forgets to open the door!
Hyers says "Jesus freely used humor, irony and satire" and offers the examples of "the blind leading the blind; straining out a gnat, then swallowing a camel; meticulously cleaning the outside of a cup while leaving the inside filthy; maintaining whitewashed tombs that are outwardly beautiful but inwardly full of dead men's bones; loudly honoring past prophets while plotting to kill present ones who preach the same message."  These are examples of what Whedbee describes as "Jesus as the cynic sage."
The Bible has inspired a multitude of art and fiction in many genres, including humor and comedy. William Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of Venice includes elements from the Book of Daniel. Biblical references can be seen in films with Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy. Modern examples include Monty Python's Life of Brian, and sketches by Rowan Atkinson.
But what I find most funny is the thought of weak and silly man trying to match wits with an almighty and all-knowing God; it is comical, and I can just picture God smiling indulgently as He watches our feeble attempts.


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