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Gates and Fences

Growing up there was no television and going to the movies was a treat. The daily entertainment came from reading books. Two such book are ones I will never forget - All things bright and beautiful and All creatures Great and Small by James Heriot, a vet surgeon in rural England. 
His books are about his daily experiences as a vet and  Gods creation, farm animals, birds and other creatures in our daily life, as well as the challenges they face as do their owners and farmers. One common picture which will keep popping up is that of fences on farms, pens and enclosures where the animals are kept safe. A gate left open accidentally can result in tragedy for the animal, so the farmer makes sure all gates are shut. In case it is not and animals stray, they are sitting targets for wolves, speeding cars and other dangers, so the farmer immediately goes after the strays and tries to bring them back to safety.
This is much like our own shepherd who may leave 100 of us while we are in the safety of Gods hedge of protection, or fence, and goes after one lost person to bring them back to safety.
That the hedge, or wall or tent, of protection is a reality is clearly mentioned in Job where Satan states to God Job 1:10 “Have you not put a hedge (of protection) around him and his household and everything he has? "
This protection from God happens in 3 spheres - from outside elements, from ourselves and from our tendency to rebel and disobey.
Speaking from personal experience, This protection is so powerful it can move mountains of trouble. It is invoked not only when we ask, but is active 24x7. It protects even when we are not aware we need protection.
Today, if this is not a part of your daily prayer, we suggest you make it a daily ask. Just as we ask to be delivered from evil - which includes sickness, dangers, ill intentions as well as our own desires, allowing us to live less fearfully and more meaningfully.
Books by James Herriot in case you are interested.
All Things Bright and Beautiful:
The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet
All Creatures Great and Small: The classic memoirs of a Yorkshire country vet


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