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God's Case Study

Remember Job? A character of much importance in the Bible. Some people joke and say that he innocently became the subject of a bet between God and Satan. Except that God does not gamble. 
God also does not need to give points, but He did point Job to His truths. Yet, even today, we humans want proof points. Proof of His creation, proof of His presence, proof of His love for us. We sure know about Him, but do we really believe in Him until he shows His presence?
Humanity needs case studies like that of Job to show others of things like faith, Gods love, Divine intervention etc. If you look at it, Job is a typical human and, in the story, God lists out all the proof points you and I need that He exists, and He is God the Creator. He also gives proof points that He is the nurturer and the provider; that he is the protector of His creation and finally that He is the power that keeps the balance in His creation.
The Story of Job is an important one for us. Not because it teaches us how to suffer (nobody wants that anyway) and sustain but more importantly how and why to trust in God. It also explains the greatest mystery of life: why do bad things happen to good people.
At different times Jobs story can message different things. But perhaps the most important messaging is in Chapter 38 and 39 where God challenges man. At the end of it we realize we are not the mighty tower of knowledge we thought we are or think we are we are merely ants. We are still debating if there are aliens; or that who we think are aliens are angels; we still try to figure out nature and creation; we still even haven't been able to get the timeline right! Thus, if we know nothing, are powerless by ourselves, who are we to question God?


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