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The Window

How many people across the world live in windowless homes or rooms? I don't think anyone has calculated that simply because we have not yet acknowledged the health risk of living in a windowless room.
One a cold winter day, one of my to do list is to open the window and let the sun and warm breeze warm up the room. The warm breeze and bright sun cheers one up no end.
And then I think of all those people who live in windowless rooms. In those cheerless, unhealthy conditions, how would they feel or survive?
Just like living without a window in the home is unhealthy, living without a spiritual window is also fraught with the danger of becoming spirituality empty and open to becoming a victim in the spiritual war around us, unseen, unheard, but very much there.
Jesus Christ is that window we need. Through Christ we can build a relationship with God the Father. Through Christ we can get the Holy Spirit to help us, protect us and guide us. Thrpugh Christ we can beat the threat of a second death.
Just as the sun streams in through my open window and warms me up, Christ enables us to recieve Gods warmth and let God envelope us in His warm hug.


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