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Do You Know the Voice?


Ref:  John 10:3 
There are some verses which we don't really think about and/or take for granted.
The example of the shepherd and the sheep is one. Today let's see what it's about?
A query on an artificial intelligence engine tells us "Sheep are herd animals that are led by voice and naturally follow their shepherd. Shepherds use their voice to guide their sheep, with specific calls to stop, turn, or move forward. Sheep will eventually learn to recognize the shepherd's voice and trust him, and will not listen to commands from others".
"Sheep learn their shepherd's voice by following other sheep, who instinctively move towards new pasture lands".
What this AI engine knows and tells us today, the Biblical authors knew and told us 2000 plus years ago. Three things stand out:
1. The shepherd's voice 
2. Following other sheep.
3. The gatekeeper.
As God's people, we often become confused with the voices, sounds and sights and get mixed up in things of the world. Sin is tempting as we surround ourselves with the wrong crowd and or the wrong leaders. but God is always watching and calls us back to the fold. We find Him when we are lost because we know the sound of His voice; it's the only one we've chosen to follow, and we do not confuse it with others.
How wonderful is this relationship; how true is the Bible; how great is the shepherd who calls when we are lost. What a great sense of security knowing that we are protected by Jesus the gatekeeper who will not allow false leaders to mislead us. What power which protects us, greater than anything in the world.
The lesson we can draw from this verse is that we need to recognize His voice and His words as also choose wisely the people around us.


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