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Learning from Covid

Remember this picture? A frequent picture during the dreaded Covid-19 days. 
Since you are reading this post, you have obviously survived Covid. You are among those who got past the gate. Sadly, not everyone survived those days of trauma, dread and heartbreak. Lives were lost. Businesses were lost. Families were ruined. Covid experiences are deeply sobering. One of the most tragic things about Covid-19 is the way that people dying from it so often had to say goodbye to their loved ones via video-link rather than in person. 5 million people gone and the aftereffects of Covid are still being experienced today, 3 years later.
But for those who did survive, the question is what did we learn? Did we gain anything new?
For me, I learnt a few lessons which changed my life.
Lesson no. 1. Life is not to be taken for granted. No matter how many times we quarantine ourselves, hide ourselves, evil can and will always find us. Our only protection is God.
Lesson No. 2. Don't take others for granted. Family and friends and strangers. They all are part of who we are. They are part of Gods family. When we lose them, a part of us dies with them. All that is left are memories. Let us honor and love those we have with us today.
3. Learn to live with the minimal. That's resilience. Never, ever, again, become dependent on luxuries. Covid taught us what we knew but forgot: Needs outweigh luxuries.
These are a few lessons among many. But by far, the biggest learning was and is, that there is a God who rules the Earth, who protects and provides for us even though we may not understand the events around us. That we have hope through Jesus Christ who, went to the extent of undergoing the worst suffering from evil, for us, opening the door for our hope. That He continuously guides us through His Holy Spirit, if we care to listen. That if we look, we can find His hand at work in our everyday life. We have to trust.
Some say Where was God during Covid? Honestly, I do not know. What I do know and believe is that Covid was an attack of evil against a Humanity that God established, and God was part of that attack, along with us, and suffering, along with us. 
Jesus was among us then and with us now; in life & death. And we believe that those who died are seeing Him in paradise. Those who lost this life, are cradled in His bosom and those who are left back are consoled in this life.
God Bless everyone.   


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