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The Secret Place

Every human being has a secret place where he or she retires from time to time, when they seek solace or rest from the world. This place is deep in the recesses of the mind, in a museum of memories. It's like a room which may house all the fantasies, ambitions and dreams. But that's all this secret place can be, a fantasy, which cannot provide or change reality, no matter how much we try.
But, if we let in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit into this secret chamber, and fill it with their knowledge and presence, the secret place starts becoming a reality because we see the physical manifestation of the works of this Triune in our life. The peace one enjoys with complete freedom from worry, having put off the mountains of our "what if" problems in the hands of the triune, beats any form of escape. 
When they occupy that secret chamber, there is no room for anything else. We long to meet them and talk with them. Our wrong doings and our problems become minuscule and fade away. We look forward to our time with them and listen to what they have to say. Our secret place is no longer our secret but now becomes a permanent home to God's Holy Spirit.
In the words of Pastor Jorel
"The Secret place is a place of Encounter and intimacy With The Spirit and Presence of God which causes an Undeniable Transformation in the life and personality of a man."
Our transformation is visible not only to us but others as well, in the way we live, the way we behave, the way we talk, what we talk, how we treat others, what we say and do and so on. It minimizes the difference between intent and action. One starts living and seeing beyond oneself.
Psalms 91:1 sums it up beautifully when it says -"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
This beautiful Psalm 91describes that secret place and the outcome of our communion with God, with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit. 


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