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God of Small Things: Saturday Vespers


In our world of immediate gratification, success is measured by grandiose achievements. Yet, God delights in small, everyday acts and things, as He does in those grandiose achievements. For Him, it's the heart of the matter, not the outcome. So today we pray -
Heavenly Father, help us to see the value and significance of the small tasks we do every day. May we find joy in the ordinary and the mundane, knowing that you are present in every moment. Give us the strength to be faithful in small things trusting that you can use them in your Glory.
We thank you for the recovery of your servant in Australia and those who were sick and needed your intervention.
Today DeeSki asks for Gods help and says -
"Please god do not let her give up on me and this relationship. I am completely lost knowing I could losing her and my children. I’m asking for all of the prayers I can get and for somehow someway god to help me keep this relationship and family together."
David thanks God for His providence.
Esetarosa requests prayer for her "daughter Fu’a for a miracle in her life as she is now at home under Hospice care. We serve a loving God who hears our prayers. Thank you and God Bless!"
We pray for the wellness of the senior citizens in India - one with a severe back problem to give her strength and patience as well as relief from the pain; we also pray for a lady suffering from Parkinsons for relief as well as strength and patience to her caregiver daughter,
We pray for retired Pastor Benjamin in India for support as he and his daughter go through a very challenging time with his home breaking down and no finance to repair. We pray that efforts to organize financial support for them bears fruit.
Please pray for all these and other needs you may know of. In Jesus' mighty name. 


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