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Rise and Shine: Book Review

Today, we cover a book named "Time to Rise and Shine" by Janice Riley, a dear friend, book publisher, and ordained minister. She and her husband Rob, a professional and short-term missionary, have visited India, Honduras and the Dominican Republic for revival meetings. Their mission trips included construction projects, prophetic training, community outreach and more.
The book highlights the changing needs of Christianity in today's world and the need for a Christ-like response to people and situations.
According to Janice, "this book is a heart’s cry to come and be transformed into the likeness of Christ, calling the Bride of Christ into her destiny, her identity.
While The Church has been told what to do, given the top five ways to make it happen and a comfy seat to sit in while they watch the sage on the stage preach one more sermon, and enjoy one more musical performance by the worship team, religious tradition has assembled a mass of spectators to watch a special few do the work of the Lord.
Meanwhile, broken, sick and downtrodden people are falling to the wayside every day, ignorant of the Love of the Father, blinded to the Truth of who they really are".
Janice goes on to say, "It is time to discuss what being a true follower of Jesus Christ looks like and dig into executable tactics on how to do just that".
So, here we go. Get in, sit down, buckle up and enjoy the ride.
The book can be bought at here
The link will be part of our posts this month for all those who may be interested.

Note: This is not an ad and TWWJ gets no direct or indirect renumeration/fees.


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