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Street Food and Hunger: A Short Story

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” - Matthew 19:26
God works. And He does not do things with a wave of a magic wand, but through people like you and me. We all can be used for good, in some way, big or small.
Let me relate a short story of a simple act of kindness and love, which I happened to have witnessed.
"Every place in the world has two common things: street food and the hunger.
One day, a person, call him X (since I do not know his name), saw some enticing street food being cooked. It was a rainy day and the smell of the food, hot on the stove, was more than he could resist. He walked over to get some packed for himself. As he was waiting with the rest of the customers, he noticed a small girl, maybe 6 or 8 years old, dirty, filthy and obviously hungry. She went from person to person begging for some food. Most people ignored her; the shop worker scolded her half heartedly; he had seen enough hungry folks to know she was ravenous.
One customer broke off a morsel of her food and offered it to the girl who politely refused.
The little girl waited for a while, maybe in hope, but then finally gave up, resigned to her fate. She went to the water stand and drank lots of water filling her stomach. Water was free. 
Seeing all this, this gentleman X who had had his food packed, was moved enough to pay for a plate of food and told the shop worker to give it to her. The worker, himself poor, showed his happiness. He did not wait to be thanked. He simply walked away.
When we witness such acts of unselfishness, caring and love, regardless of how someone is -  dressed or filthy, we realize that that God in Heaven is looking down at each one of the 8 Billion people in this world, to care and to provide. Such acts of humility and empathy prove that God has still not given up on man. God has not given up on me.
“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” — Mahatma Gandhi.


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