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What Have You With held from God ?

On thinking about the subject line one decided to research it and came across a beautiful and meaningful post about this. We could not help but share it with you, our readers.  

Withholding from God
By Erika in Symphony of Praise

“You did what?” My mouth dropped open as my husband told the story. I couldn’t believe it.
“God told you to sacrifice our son? Abraham, what is wrong with you? Where is Isaac? Where is my son?”
Abraham calmly replied, “He is outside with the servants tending to the animals. He is fine Sarah”.
“Okay, let me get this straight! You bound my son to an altar. You treated him like an animal. You lifted a knife to kill him, and you say everything is fine?”
“Sarah, what would you have me do? Disobey God? God told me to take our son . . . our Isaac . . . our baby . . . our heir . . . our life. Isaac was to be sacrificed as a burnt offering to God. I didn’t question. If God gave him to us, God can take him from us. Our son was God’s before he was ours.”
I saw Abraham speaking, but I could hear no words. He almost killed our son. Our promise. I could understand that he didn’t go through with it because God provided a ram. But still. This was too much for a mother to bear. A mother who waited over ninety years to see the promise of a child. A mother who tried to take matters into her own hands with Hagar and Ishmael . . . and paid dearly. A mother who held, and nursed, and loved that baby. How could my husband do this?
Finally, I heard Abraham. “Sarah, my love, what would you have done?”
“I wouldn’t have sacrificed . . . I wouldn’t have taken my . . . I wouldn’t have . . . “. I couldn’t get the words out.
“I don’t know.” I replied through angry and bitter tears. I could hardly look at the man. I don’t know what I would have done. Would I have disobeyed God? Would I have kicked and screamed? Would I have bargained with God?
“Abraham, I would like to think that I would have obeyed, but I just don’t know.” I cried on my husband as he held me close. Why wasn’t my faith as strong as his? Why couldn’t I be as confident that God was a God of mercy and grace?
Heck, I laughed when God told us that I would give birth to Isaac. I laughed in God’s face as if anything is too hard for Him. Forgive me, Lord.
I wiped the tears, came to my senses (a bit), and stared into the eyes of my husband, “Why did you do it, Abraham? Help me understand so that I can become a woman of faith. Teach me how you could obey God at any cost . . . including that of sacrificing our son. Why did you do it, my love?”
Abraham pulled me close into his strong embrace and whispered into my ear, “Because I will withhold nothing from my God.”.

- Genesis 22 -


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