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Living on the Edge

Some people know the true meaning of the words "God provides", because they have lived with nothing in hand, no idea from where they will meet their daily expense and yet they are able to. Quietly and without fanfare, through some God given providence. While Gods provision is true for all, these people have lived on the edge of collapse, with nothing in sight except hope for Gods provision, unlike other people who have wealth or jobs or plans which they depend on, not realizing that even those were provided by God. One is not better than the other. We all go through hard times, possibly living on the edge. We may feel let down or that life is unfair, but there is another perspective: it brings about true dependence on God. Such times remind us of the journey of Israel as they walked to the Promised Land. They were not allowed to store manna as an exercise in trusting Gods daily provision. Why? Ms. Francis Taylor explains it beautifully - "We take these troubling events a

Praying with Power : Pastor Rajiv's Mid-week Message


Meet Jesus's Great Grandma

One story that has completely baffled us as we read the Bible was the story of Rahab.  You can find it in the book of Joshua in chapter 2 and 6:22-27. She is also  one of five women mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy of #Christ .  How could Rahab be used so strategically by God when she was a prostitute? Doesn't #God expect people to clean house before he works through them? How can the writers of the #Bible offer her story as an example to later generations without saying her profession was wrong? Without pointing fingers?   Our finding? If you’re going to read the Bible, you have to be ready for a God you don’t expect. Expect the unexpected at every expected turn! Alli Patterson says - "This God may violate your traditions and your theology (you’ve got one; trust me). He doesn’t always reward the “good” and punish the “bad.” The God of the Bible is most interested in the concept of faith (faith = our belief in him and willingness to risk something because of that belief). He

How to Corrupt Blessings from #God

This is a "how to" message. How to corrupt blessings . Because, dictated by a selfish nature, that is what we do. The #Bibleverse in Jeremiah 5:7 " How shall I pardon thee for this? thy children have forsaken me and sworn by them that are no gods: when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses". It happened then. It happens now. We do it possibly unaware we are doing it. For example - when we have excess food, what do we do with it? Do we feed the hungry? When we have excess money what do we do? Feed our desires or use it for Gods work. Gluttony, hoarding, envy etc. are all signs of misused blessings. Our thought process: "We have ours but we want theirs". The depth of this problem can be seen in the fact that we don't even know, are not even aware, we do it. We do all the right things, thanking God, going to church, tithing etc. But nonetheless, sometimes subconsciously, so

In case you missed....

                                                         In case you missed we bring to you, as we do every Monday, some older posts which make sense in the current world situation. (Just click on the highlighted heading) # Grace Our society’s broad assumption is that religious exercise belongs in our hearts, in our homes, or in our churches. It doesn’t belong in a booth at McDonald’s. Do you think that is true? Here is a post of someone’s personal experience on this topic. The Farmers Prayer A very short story by #CrystalRoss with a farmers #godly #wisdom about the good and bad times we all have faced or will face.

#Humanity & Computers

                          Computers and computing are integral to our lives. But how do computers operate? In simple terms, computers require an input, which is processed by the computer's brain, known as the processor, resulting in an output. It goes without saying that the quality of the output depends on the quality of the input. Computers are like humans. Our output largely depends on our input, and our brain acts as the processor. This is why it's crucial to be conscious of what we feed our minds. Our thoughts and beliefs are shaped by these inputs. If we consume negative content, it can lead to harmful behavior towards others. Conversely, if we nourish our minds with positive, life-affirming material, we will likely express life-giving words to those we meet. However, dwelling on unproductive things like gossip and foul language leads to words that are not beneficial to anyone, including ourselves. Allowing foolishness to guide our lives can result in many adverse situati

The Audacity of #Divine Interventions

                                                         Droughts are the second most devastating and costly weather events, after hurricanes. Lack of sufficient precipitation, whether rain or snow, can result in lessened stream flow, crop damage, decreased soil moisture or groundwater, as well as general water scarcity. Today's post is about this miracle mentioned in 2 Kings and is based on the KJV #Biblestudy, and teaches us an important truth: What do we need to do to receive a blessing of a miracle.  The verse says, "Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches. For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye and your cattle, and your beasts" . — 2 Kings 3:16,17. Can you imagine such a scenario, where out of nothing, water will magically fill the trenches?  The armies of the three kings were famishing for want of water: #God was about to send it, and in these wor