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1 Cross + 3 Nails: The Power of Gods word.

Today's message by Pastor Rajiv talks about depression and angst. We all go through it and as did I for the past few days. Financial worries, uncertainty of the future, all contributed to my faith possibly weakening in God's promise. For a couple of days now I didn't even feel like writing a daily devotional record which I normally do.  It felt as if the Heavens had shut me out. This was in spite of some excellent news coming in the morning. Yet depression was setting in.  But this is what happened-  My morning devotion quoted Deuteronomy 31: 6  Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Another morning reading was titled "Believe the impossible". It was based on Matthew 9:28. It concluded " no matter how big your problem is, it is not impossible for God to give you a solution". I read it all and yet I did not hear God as He spoke this. 

Your Will be done ! Following His commandments

 Praise the Lord everyone. Myself Bro. Vikas Masih, and I am a servant of our God Lord Jesus Christ. I began to know about Lord Jesus Christ when I was only 13 years old. I trusted in Jesus and I was living my life as usually like a common believer. I used to read Bible, pray, attend church and spend time with pastor and other Christian. But there was no change in my life. And I was living my life according my will. I wanted to become an actor and singer, I used to do mimicry of many Bollywood actors and singers and cartoons. And the aim of my life was to work in Bollywood industry. I prayed and tried to enter in Bollywood, but all my efforts were vain. In 2005, when I was reading a spiritual book, God did encounter with me and began to talk through that book. In that book, pastor was sharing his experience, and said: One day I was in a medical collage, addressing many medical students. I was sharing about PRAYER, and I asked to all students, do you pray everyday? And almost everyone
We wish a Happy and Blessed Sunday to all readers. Today we have testimony from Upasana whose family had contracted COVID (Not the Omicron variation) and who have subsequently recovered. We thank and praise our Lord for their healing. Her original testimony was in Hindi which we have translated and present both versions for you. I greet you all in the Holy name of of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Upasana and I live in NOIDA, India, in the National Capital Region.  I would like to thank our Lord Jesus Christ, who has healed my entire family from COVID, through His holy blood. I would also like to thank all our family and friends who prayed for our healing through this time and who stood by us. We would also like to pray for all those families who are affected by COVID for their healing believing in the Promise of God our father who said  “ “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I

I experienced God's grace and peace in my life

  I am Evangelist and Pastor Joshan P Thomas Varghese from Kerala. I am doing God's ministry to glorify the only name of Christ Jesus.    For the last 12 years I have been a devotional play back singer. I am happy and blessed to share my testimony and experiences that I faced in life and the love and Grace of God to me. The year 2021 was a tough year for so many people including me and I faced some trials in life, but my prayers to God were answered and my painful tears was answered with showers of blessings.   There was a time last year that I felt  alone and lonely in life with no one who I could talk to or share my problems.  But   at the same whenever I faced loneliness the word of God strengthened me in many ways mentally and physically and  that gave me power of the Holy spirit to stand and fight to win the battle against the forces of the devil, who tried  his level best to put me down in life The Devil tried his best to make my life  complicated but God promised me

A Miracle of prayer

Shalom in the name of Christ. I got married on the 6th of October 2010, starting a new  journey in the name of Christ. As any newly married couple  we were happy  and enjoying every moment of our married life with our friends, family and church. Soon,  we were in the family way; it was a very blessed time for both of us. In Sep- 2011, during a  normal medical checkup, we came to know that the baby will be born with Down syndrome. While we received this news with fear and shock,  our journey in Faith started from here. Multiple tests were taken, in Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, but every report gave the same result. With  every passing day our fear became bigger and bigger. At the end of six months  we were finally prescribed the last test from the baby's serum and we had to wait for 21 days to get the report. By this time we were physically, mentally and  financially exhausted. We were only looking to our God for a miracle in this report but after 21 days we were shattered as this fi

God’s grace and peace

I trust you all are fine and protected by God’s grace and peace. I write to you today to share about Gods work in our family.    In 2020 my family and I undertook a visit abroad for some work and also visited my brother for a month. But lockdowns were announced by India and flights got cancelled, right from the day we were to fly back, 23rd of March, 2020. And then one thing and another led to our extended stay.. At the same time, our daughter had to leave early to return back to India and thus we were separated during these dangerous times. Daughter in India and we are here, which gives us a lot of anxiety and worry. Believe me when I say we were in constant despair. Our constant endeavor was to be able to catch a flight and head back. But such was not God’s will. However, in June she was able to get permission to fly from the authorities and was finally able to come to us after landing here and spending 14 days in quarantine. Today, we are all here, living at home in my brothers hous

This is my desire to honour you..

This is my Desire to honour you 🙏